Favorable Signs

  • If motor response is flexion or better at any time, prognosis is indeterminate

    • further neuroprognostication while in the ICU may not be beneficial

  • Any sign of definitive neurological improvement over the course of evaluation should prompt reconsideration of neurologic prognosis

t = 0 (ROSC)

  • TTM per institutional protocol or primary ICU team

  • Continuous EEG - treat electrographic status epilepticus if discovered

  • Document any clinical myoclonic status epilepticus

  • Consider NCHCT

t = 24-72 hours

  • Rewarming (per protocol or primary ICU team)

  • If there is absence of brainstem signs at any time ≥ 24 hours from ROSC, proceed to brain death evaluation

  • SSEP can be performed at t ≥ 48 hours if TTM was not pursued

t ≥ 72 hours

  • NCHCT (consider MRI if patient is stable)

  • If both strong predictors are present, poor outcome is very likely

    1. Absence of bilateral pupillary AND corneal reflexes

    2. Absence of bilateral N20 waves on SSEP

  • If 1 strong predictor plus 1 moderate predictor OR 2 moderate predictors are present, poor outcome is likely

    1. Myoclonic status epilepticus < 48 hours from ROSC

    2. Unreactive EEG, burst suppression, or electrographic status epilepticus present

    3. Diffuse anoxic injury on CT or MRI

  • If none of the above apply, prognosis is indeterminate

  • Following SSEP and assessment of reactivity, discontinue EEG if no seizures