Acute Stroke Imaging
Acute Stroke Imaging
CT Head
CT Head
Indicated for: Everyone
If hemorrhage identified, see Acute Bleed
If early ischemic change, continue acute stroke algorithm, see ASPECTS scoring
If late ischemic change, unlikely to be intervention candidate
CTA Head and Neck
CTA Head and Neck
Indicated for: Everyone (unless there is virtually no suspicion of acute stroke potentially amenable to intervention)
If large vessel occlusion (LVO = ICA, M1, M2, Basilar) identified: activate NeuroIR +/- obtain further imaging (see Acute Intervention Algorithm)
CT Perfusion Brain
CT Perfusion Brain
Indicated for:
potential thrombectomy candidate with last known well 6-24 hours ago
potential tPA candidate with last known well 4.5-9 hours ago, per EXTEND criteria
See Acute Intervention Algorithm for inclusion/exclusion criteria based on CT Perfusion results