1a. Level of consciousness
0 alert
1 arousable to minor stimulation
2 requires repeated or noxious stimulation
3 comatose
1b. LoC Questions
0 answers both correctly
1 answers once correctly (or can’t speak other than due to aphasia)
2 both incorrect (including due to aphasia)
1c. LoC Commands
0 obeys both commands
1 one correct
2 both incorrect
2. Best Gaze
0 normal
1 partial gaze palsy
2 forced gaze deviation
3. Visual Fields
0 no visual field loss
1 partial hemianopsia
2 complete hemianopsia
3 bilateral hemianopsia (or bilateral blindness of any cause)
4. Facial Palsy
0 normal movement
1 minor paresis
2 partial paresis (limited to lower face)
3 complete paralysis (involving upper and lower face)
5a. Motor Left Arm
0 no drift
1 drift
2 some effort against gravity
3 no effort against gravity
4 no movement
Null - unable to test
5b. Motor Right Arm
0 no drift
1 drift
2 some effort against gravity
3 no effort against gravity
4 no movement
Null - unable to test
6a. Motor Left Leg
0 no drift
1 drift
2 some effort against gravity
3 no effort against gravity
4 no movement
Null - unable to test
6b. Motor Right Leg
0 no drift
1 drift
2 some effort against gravity
3 no effort against gravity
4 no movement
Null - unable to test
7. Limb Ataxia
0 absent
1 present in one limb
2 present in two or more limbs
Null - unable to test
8. Sensory
0 normal
1 partial loss
2 dense loss
9. Best Language
0 no aphasia
1 mild to moderate aphasia
2 severe aphasia
3 mute (or coma)
10. Dysarthria
0 normal
1 mild to moderate dysarthria
2 unintelligible or mute
11. Extinction and Inattention (formerly Neglect)
0 no abnormality
1 partial neglect (neglects one sensory modality)
2 complete neglect (neglects multiple sensory modalities)